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The practitioner mobile app

Embodia is available for practitioners on iOS, Android and on the web using any modern web browser. This lesson is a quick summary of the practitioner experience on an iOS device.

The mobile app is available for Tier 2 and Tier 3 memberships and is used for:

  • Exercise prescription on the go;
  • Recording patients doing exercises (private and secure);
  • Messaging with patients;
  • Sharing and viewing specific questionnaires: Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS), Bladder Diary, and Fibre Diary.

When a practitioner opens the mobile app, they will see these options:

  1. Select an existing patient
  2. Add a new patient
  3. My messages

Practitioner options on Embodia mobile app


Click on Select an existing patient (#1 in the image above). You will then see your patient list with two tabs, Active and Archived
Patient list on Embodia mobile app


Select a patient from your list. You will then see your patient's name and the following options: 

Patient profile on Embodia mobile app

  1. Patient's name and View profile (#1 in image above): Allows you to view exercise programs and education you have shared with the patient, as well as the select outcome measures (Patient Specific Functional Scale (PSFS), Bladder Diary, Fibre Diary).

  2. Browse exercises (#2 in the image above): view and prescribe exercises to this patient.

  3. Browse education (#3 in the image above): view and share education with this patient.

  4. Browse templates (#4 in the image above): view and share templates with this patient (templates are groupings of exercises and/or education that can be shared with a patient in just a few clicks). To learn more about templates, visit the help article Creating exercise or education templates.

  5. My messages (#5 in the image above): view and respond to two-way messaging on Embodia with this patient. Here you also have the option to view two-way messaging conversations with all patients.

  6. Upload exercise for <Patient name> (#6 in image above): record yourself or the patient in session performing an exercise or select a video from your device to share with your patient. Recording a patient in session is covered in the help article Record a patient doing an exercise.

  7. Change selected patient (#7 in image above): switch to a different patient's profile.

  8. Add a new patient (#8 in the image above).
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