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Non-Internal Introductory Pelvic Health Course

Non-Internal Introductory Pelvic Health Course

Non-Internal Introductory Pelvic Health Course

This course includes
Lifetime access after purchase
Certificate of completion
This course was recorded in September 2022


Welcome to the brand new Introduction to Non-Internal Pelvic Health Physiotherapy on-demand course by Pelvic Health Solutions! This course replaces the old version of this course. If you previously purchased the Non-Internal Pelvic Health course on Embodia, you will be granted free access to this course! Please check your emails.



To Kegel or Not: That is the Question!!

Pelvic floor problems are prevalent in more than 2/3 of women with LBP/PGP, and 1/3 of men with LBP

Is this an important fact affecting your outcomes for chronic LBP?



Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) can include hypertonic and hypotonic muscle problems.

It is not all about Kegels!

How can you tell if your patient is over-recruiting their pelvic floor if you cannot do an internal exam?  Not all clinicians want to perform this type of exam, or it may not be in your scope of practice.  

Learn what the evidence says about linking pelvic floor dysfunction to chronic low back pain, pelvic girdle pain, and hip pain, and learn what you can do about it in your practice. Help your patients to regain control of these important muscles!  

Sexual function and bladder/bowel function are arguably some of the most important activities of daily living that your patients need to recover.

Don’t let your discomfort be the barrier to your patient’s recovery; we will make it fun and non-threatening!


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the relevance of Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) when treating orthopaedic conditions- specifically LBP, SIJ dysfunction, PGP, and hip pain
  • Learn basic anatomy of the pelvic floor musculature and physiology of the lower urinary tract system (LUTS)
  • Understand pelvic floor conditions as they relate to a weak pelvic floor and an overactive pelvic floor
  • Learn how to ask patients important questions about sexual function
  • Learn non-internal management strategies for pelvic floor retraining
  • Create a prescription and progression of pelvic floor exercises for an overactive and underactive pelvic floor
  • Use behavioral techniques to help retrain a variety of dysfunctions of the urinary and bowel system
  • Practice externally driven techniques for assessing and treating pelvic floor dysfunction
  • Understand when to refer to a specially trained physiotherapist for incontinence, prolapse, and pelvic pain



This online course is open to all healthcare and wellness professionals.

The instructors
Pelvic Health Solutions

Pelvic Health Solutions (PHS) is an evidence-based teaching company that aims to educate and empower physiotherapists, healthcare professionals, and everyday people about pelvic health.

PHS was founded in 2010 out of the need to develop pelvic health resources in Ontario at a time when it was an under-serviced health concern. PHS provides continuing education courses, mentoring, and clinical resources for a variety of practitioners with the goal of equipping them to deliver evidence-based, biopsychosocial assessment and treatment of pelvic health problems in our province and abroad.

Our company also exists as a way to connect people experiencing pelvic health concerns to pelvic health physiotherapists in their area. PHS has ultimately blossomed into a community of curious people who are committed to providing hope and healing to those who suffer from pelvic health issues.

Sheela Zelmer
BScPT, Pelvic Health

Sheela Zelmer is a clinician and educator in the Greater Toronto Area. She works in private practice treating clients individually and in groups both in-person and virtually.

Sheela graduated from the University of Toronto Physical Therapy Program in 1995 and obtained a certificate in Sex Therapy from the University of Guelph in 2021. She has practiced in orthopaedic and pelvic health for the past 27 years with a special interest in peri to post menopausal health and sexual wellness.

Michelle Vanderpol
MscPT, B.Kin

Michelle graduated from Queens University with a Masters of Science Degree in Physical Therapy in 2012. Since the beginning of her physiotherapy career, Michelle has been driven to excel in her professional development, a self-proclaimed lifelong learner. She was immediately drawn to Pelvic Health, after feeling like there was a gap in conservative management of so many pelvic health disorders, early on in her career.

As Michelle committed to further advancing in the realm of Pelvic Health, she also went on to attain her Diploma of Advanced Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy through the Orthopaedic Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association and is a CAMPT Certified Physiotherapist with the Canadian Academy of Manual and Manipulative Physiotherapy.

Michelle strongly believes in the need to treat the whole person, and the amalgamation of her Pelvic Health and Orthopaedic training are complementary in assessing and treating pelvic health concerns from a biopsychosocial approach.

Michelle practices out of Rise Physiotherapy, a clinic she owns in Shelburne ON. Michelle has also had the privilege of working with Pelvic Health Solutions for several years, working in the capacity as an assistant lecturer and lab assistant.

When she is not working, she is often enjoying the great outdoors with her husband, daughter, and dog.

Material included in this course
  • Getting Started
  • Slides
  • Booklet
  • Inclusive Language Matters
  • Pelvic Health Solutions on FB
  • Embodia and Pelvic Health Solutions
  • Scope of Practice and Consent
  • Trauma Informed Care
  • Learning Objectives
  • The Importance of the Pelvic Floor
  • Anatomy
  • Section 1
  • Pelvic Floor Function: Support
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse Considerations Part 1
  • Pelvic Organ Prolapse Considerations Part 2
  • Section 2
  • Pelvic Floor Function: Sphincter
  • Incontinence
  • Classifications of Incontinence: Stress
  • Classifications of Incontinence: Urge
  • Classifications of Incontinence: Urinary Urgency, Frequency
  • Classifications of Incontinence: Mixed
  • Classifications of Incontinence: Overflow
  • Classifications of Incontinence: Functional
  • Urinary Incontinence and Pregnancy
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer: Prostatectomy
  • Prostate Cancer: Post Prostatectomy Physiotherapy
  • Section 3
  • The Basics for an Underactive Pelvic Floor
  • The Pelvic Floor is Part of the Core
  • Rectus Diastasis Abdominus (DRA)
  • Lab 1: Posture and Breathing
  • Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises
  • Lab 2: Pelvic Floor Muscle Training
  • Lab 3: Pelvic Floor Eccentric Lengthening
  • Pelvic Floor Muscle Training
  • Section 4
  • Pelvic Floor Function: Sexual
  • Pelvic Floor Function: Sump Pump
  • Pelvic Floor Function: Stability
  • Section 5
  • Pelvic Floor and Low Back Pain
  • Section 6
  • Pain Catastrophization and a Biopsychosocial Approach to Care
  • Screening Tools
  • Central Sensitization
  • Lab 4: Calves on a Stool
  • Lab 5: Pelvic Floor Lengthening Exercises
  • Section 7
  • Assessment and Treatment
  • Education: Prolapse
  • What Can You Measure Externally?
  • Education: Bladder Function
  • CBT for Urgency
  • Education: UTI Prevention
  • Education: Bowel Function
  • Lab 6: ILU Massage
  • Section 8
  • Assessment of Myofascial Tension
  • Lab 6: Non Nociceptive Input (NNI)
  • Lab 6: Fit Stick
  • Lab 6: Foam Roller
  • Lab 6: Acuball
  • Lab 6: Forced Faber Test
  • Do I Treat the Tissues or the Nervous System?
  • Lab 8: The 8 Minute Core Challenge
  • Case Studies and Conclusion
  • Case Studies
  • Anatomy Lesson
  • Summary
  • Quiz and Feedback
  • Quiz
  • Please provide your feedback for this course
Patient exercises included in this course
  • Strengthening of the Weak Pelvic Floor

This course has been approved for 6 CPD units by the South Africa Society of Physiotherapists (SASP). If you are a physiotherapist in South Africa and would like the number of approved CPDs to appear on your certificate of completion, please follow the steps outlined in this help article. 

Once you have completed the course, a certificate of completion (including learning hours and course information) will be generated. You can download this certificate at any time. To learn more about course certificates on Embodia please visit this guide.

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